General Dentistry

Cleanings and Exams

Your oral hygiene is very important for several reasons, including clean healthy teeth, fresh breath, and your overall health. Our hygienist are very experienced and take pride in cleaning your teeth thoroughly and gently.

At Southern Family Dental we will complete a comprehensive dental exam which will include a full mouth set of xrays and a periodontal exam. We will also perform an oral cancer screening and examine your bite and jaw joints.


Whenever a tooth needs to be repaired due to decay, fractures, etc., a filling is used to repair or replace the affected part of the tooth. There are advantages to different types of filling material, such as composite or silver amalgam, that the dentist will discuss with you.

Composite fillings are closely matched to the color of the existing teeth, so they are used in more esthetic areas such as the front teeth.

Root Canals

Root canal therapy is indicated when the nerve of the tooth has been affected by decay or infection. This is done to try to save the tooth. The pulp (which is the living portion of the tooth) is removed, along with the bacteria infecting the tooth and any decay present. This area is then replaced with dental filling material and sealed off with a restoration to restore the tooth to full working order, without symptoms.


When restoration procedures such as root canal therapy, crowns, or fillings are not enough to save a tooth, it may need to be pulled, or extracted.

Gum Disease Treatment

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because gum disease is usually painless, you may not know you have it. Also referred to as periodontal disease, gum disease is caused by plaque, the sticky film of bacteria that is constantly forming on our teeth. Regular dental checkups are vital because a professional can detect, treat, and reverse gum disease in early stages before major problems arise. Your stage of your gum disease will determine the level of treatment necessary. Gum disease treatment is necessary to prevent further bone loss and associated tooth loss.